3 Possible Effects Of Water Carpet Damage In A Home By The Hours

If your home is flooded with clean water and you identify it by the hours, then you can easily do carpet repairing and restoration on your own. But, if the water damage is due to the black or gray water, then, definitely it’s time that you call an expert to your home.

The experts will examine the water damage, then, will tell you whether carpet repairing and restoration is possible or not. Dirty water already contains tons of bacteria or germs which can cause damage to your carpets as well as your health. In this article, we will discuss the 3 possible effects of water carpet damage in a home by the hours. Keep reading.

How Clean is the Water?

The carpet repairing and restoration depends on the water cleanliness. If the water is dirty, then it must be filled with harmful pathogens. If you will not treat the dirty water within some hours, then, things can go very bad. Cleaning the dirty water means dealing with tons of harmful bacteria, so for carpet repairing and restoration, you should call a carpet repair company only.

3 Side Effects of Water Carpet Damage:-

  1. Birth of harmful germs and bacteria.
  2. Foul smells all around the home.
  3. Risk of carpet pile permanent damage.

These are the 3 dangerous effects of water carpet damage if you do not remove the water within the hours.

Common Guidelines You Need to Follow:-

  • You should remove the water from carpets as soon as you notice them. 
  • Carpet repairing and restoration will be easier if done within the hours.
  • If there is water carpet damage, then, you need to take help from experts. Experts have various methods for cleaning the carpet, so your problem with carpet repairing and restoration will be restored.
  • Clean the carpets or rugs that are washable.
  • Avoid foot traffic on the wet carpet because it can cause more damage to the fiber of the carpet. After the drying process, you can walk up on the carpet again.

If your carpets are wet with rain water, then you can clean them on your own. Assuming the carpeting with track strips, then take them out, clean, and reinstall properly. On the off chance that a huge region of the padding is in water, it will be difficult to spot and dry it completely, so it ought to be eliminated and supplanted.

You need to check the subfloor for dampness also. Assuming that rainwater doused from the top, it might not have drenched the subfloor. The kind of subfloor away from view and the time span it is wet will decide if it should be supplanted. And, if your home subfloor is wooden, then, you should let the subfloor dry completely before you install the carpets back again.


Thus, this article concludes with the 3 side effects of water carpet damage. You should do all the things that you could do to save your carpets. If things are not under control, then, call carpet cleaners for carpet repairing and restoration.

How To Remove Skin Lotion Stains From Carpet Or A Rug

Carpeting, when you think of it, is one of the finest ideas for home decor through which your home looks elegant and attractive. So, you choose the best carpets for your home but stains are free with it. You prevent your carpets with a lot of safety measures but at the last stains occur very frequently and you cannot stop them. 

Types Of Stains On Carpets

Many different types of stains occur on your carpet and are explained below:

  1. Petroleum-based stains

The things from which these types of stains occur are ink, oil, and grease which penetrate the fibres of the carpet and for the removal of these types of stains, organic solvents or dry solvents are used.

  1. Water-soluble stains

These types of stains occur from mud, beverages, food, markers, and water-based pens and are easily removed with the help of cleaning agents which are water-based.

  1. Synthetic stains or man-made stains

These stains are created by red dyes, sports drinks and kool aids. The given type of stains can be removed through the application of reducing agents.

  1. Protein stains

Protein stains occur through blood, vomit or faeces, etc. and they can be removed with the help of protein digesters which are enzymatic products.

  1. Natural or organic stains

Coffee or tea forms organic stains on the carpet because the heat of the stains binds with the fibres of the carpet and leaves a tanned stain behind. These stains are removed with the help of water-soluble products but with a lot of difficulties.

The Chemistry Behind Skin Lotion Stain Removal

Skin lotions are chemically carbon chain compounds that are organic and these stains can be easily broken by enzymes and or can be removed with the help of surfactants. These surfactant compounds are generally compounded having a charged water-soluble head and an oil-soluble tail.

They removed the lotion stain by forming micelles around the stain in which the oil-soluble part gets stuck to the surface and the oil-soluble portion gets dissolved in the lotion water-insoluble part and thus the whole micelle structure becomes water-soluble and easily able to wash out the stain. 

Procedure Of Removal Of Skin Lotion Stains From Carpets

There is a prescribed procedure for the removal of skin lotion from your carpets with the help of which you can easily remove lotion and other cream stains from your carpet and make it fresh as before. The prescribed procedure is here as under:

  • Remove the excess lotion on the upper side of the carpet which can be removable.
  • You can use any kind of absorbents like baking soda or cornstarch. Then rest it for 10-15 minutes and then vacuum it.
  • Use a dry cleaning solvent and a white clean cloth and sponge the stain.
  • Blot it or wipe it until the solvent gets absorbed.
  • Repeat the process until it removes and does not appear on the carpet.
  • If the stain is present after the above process, then take 2 cups of warm water and dissolve one tablespoon of white vinegar and one tablespoon of liquid hand dishwashing detergent in it. Take this solution and sponge it over the stain and leave it for drying and see the results.
  • After some time, sponge it with cold water and blot dry.

This is the complete procedure with the help of which you can get rid of skin lotion stains and if you can not achieve the satisfying results after that also then switch over to an expert carpet stain removal expert for results according to you.

For Obtaining A Trained, Skilled And Talented Carpet Stain Removal Team, Call Us Now

Once your carpet gets stained from skin lotions that you used regularly for your skin, a little bit of stain is present there after a lot of DIY methods. Why are you in so much trouble? Call us, you will be no more in a troubling situation because we have a team who are very talented, have all the skills related to the stain removal, know all the mechanisms of the removal process and are trained with our on the job and the job training procedures.

They know about the side effects or adverse effects of all the stain removal products and try to apply the ecologically safe products. For scheduling our services at your convenience, you have to call on our company number and book an appointment immediately.